Or, at least that we've had so far.
Typical Italian meals last from two to four hours. It is served in several courses over that time, starting with an apetizer (antipasto), a couple of main courses, desert, coffee, etc.
Tonight's meal was at the ristorante Buca Mario in downtown Florence. We took a bit of a stroll beforehand, winding over the Ponte Vecchio Bridge and through the San Lorenzo Market, viewing life-sized replicas of David, sculptures of famous Italian artists and inventors, and eventually wandering backstreets until we found the restaurant where our reservations were.
We were taken downstairs in the restaurant, which wound around through wine cellars until we found our places. The meal was incredible, to say the least.
Beginning with plates of Tuscan meat cuts and mixed cannape, a local favorite was one of the main courses. Florence is know for its wild boar, and ours was served on fettuccine. It was followed by thin slices of t-bone steak with rocket salad and pine seed roast potatoes.
But, the tiramisu topped the evening off. I think Jennifer will understand when I say this was a little chocolate slice of heaven on a plate. Rich, creamy, I would have fought anybody sitting at the table for a second plate.
Fortunately, I was stuffed enough that I didn't have to do that.
Everyone had a great time, laughing and sharing tales from our travels thus far, although the ride here was not mentioned, just walking back to the hotel reinforced the need to keep your head on a swivel constantly in this city.
Oh my! Feel free to ship a piece of that tiramisu back here to me. Wow! I'm going to go back and drool over that photo now ... keep it coming!
You wouldn't believe how good that meal was. You would have loved that tiramisu. Trust me.
Sure, sure, rub it in! :)
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