And I know, in the U.S., we like our cars bigger, better, faster.
But, these little cars are everywhere underfoot in Italy.
The Smart car seems to be an answer to some of the crowding on the streets of Europe, and they are everywhere here. Little more than a two-seat car with a motor somewhere on it, they come in all sorts of flavors.
I've seen them painted up in festive colors and understated ones. They are driven by all ages, sexes and socioeconomic groups.
They seem to be pretty easy to parallel park, too.
Okay, actually, there's lots of cell phone calls while driving that take part here. Which makes it even more amazing to watch people pilot them between other (really close) cars, cyclists and pedestrians. Lanes are optional here; if there's real estate in your lane available, you take it, and possibly gesture while you're doing it.
And for those of you thinking that exotic sportscars rule the road here, forget it. At least in the city. I've seen one Ferrari since I've been here.
However, I have been lusting over the amount of Ducatis in traffic 'round here . . .
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