I've been watching these people and their scooters, and I'm telling you, it's a different environment.
For one is their riding style. Most where open-faced helmets, and I'm presuming it's to allow you the ability to smoke.
Or talk on the cell phone.
Or both.
I actually saw a guy today talking on a cell phone with one hand and adjusting his helmet with the other. The only thing missing was the cigarette.
It's actually really interesting to see all walks of life on the scooters. Young, old, male, female, professional businessmen in suits, and the guy I saw today carrying a string trimmer on his.
It makes me miss my motorcycle somewhat, although you see probably five scooters for every one motorcycle in town.
Their manner of driving - splitting lanes, cutting into empty spaces between cars, going down wrong way streets - is daunting, but the ease with which they do it makes me envious as well.
I wonder if I could take a spin on one, just to see what it's like?
Crystal says no.
Have you been to the Ducati store yet?
I can't find on, unfortunately. I am pretty close to a Kymco scooter store, though. I'm still looking . . .
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